Jamf Switcher – 1.1


We’ve just released a little update to Jamf Switcher, bringing the app to 1.1

This update strips /?failover from a JPS URL when writing to the com.jamfsoftware.jss.plist for the Jamf Applications, but keeps /?failover when opening Safari.

1.1 is available now, & Jamf Switcher should prompt for the update when launched or can be installed via the “Check for updates” menu from within Jamf Switcher itself or manually downloaded from here.

Jamf Pro – No more DEP sync errors


With the release of Jamf Pro 10.20.0, Jamf has fixed [PI-007508]. This is the PI for DEP Sync failing due to TLS changes being needed for on-prem installs & one which I blogged here.

The fix from Jamf forces TLS1.2 for connections to Apple for DEP/Automated Device Enrollment.

So, if you made a change to your TLS settings as I mentioned in my previous blog post, you can remove those changes.

At dataJAR, we’ve been running all datajar.mobi deployments with no TLS settings enforced via our setenv.sh for a couple of weeks now & all is syncing as expected.

Munki Catalog Browser


Munki Catalog Browser is the last project that we released during our JNUC 2019 talk & is an app which allows a local macOS admin to easily list items in your devices Munki catalogs as well as exporting to CSV.

Within dataJAR, this is used to pass an up-to-date list of items available for deployment via our Auto-Update Framework.

Jamf Pro Kubernetes Reference Build


At dataJAR we migrated from multi-context Jamf Pro deployments to Kubernetes the January after Jamf Pro 10 was released. Migrating & updating customer Jamf Pro instances at the same time.

During our JNUC 2019 talk we detailed why we did this, & we have a repo showing the raw files which allow the how to happen. These can be found, here.

However, that repo has a large explanatory gap.

As such, if containerising Jamf Pro is something that is of interest, I’d recommend Jamf’s own Kubernetes Manifests repo.

Ours can be used to cross reference, & we’ll update it periodically.

Jamf Switcher


During our JNUC 2019 talk, another item James & I detailed was how we at dataJAR easily switch between the 100+ Jamf Pro instances we host.

Enter Jamf Switcher, the app to bring the word faff to the Jamf Marketplace!

For details on how this came to be, see below.

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Analysing JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages


Within a few posts here & during our JNUC 2019 talk, James & I detailed how we at dataJAR deal with managing 100+ Jamf Pro & released a few repos with various items we use day-to-day.

This blog post is concerned with one of those repos, which is titled: JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages.

The repo can be accessed via the hyperlink above.

This repo contains a list of messages which can appear in the JAMFSoftwareServer.log, with a note as to what action might be required due to the messages being generated.

For more details see below, else click the link & PR’s are welcomed to expand the repo.

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datajar.mobi: A story of Jamf And…


During JNUC2019, I had the honour of once again presenting alongside my colleague, friend & founder of dataJAR James Ridsdale.

The talk was on some of the methodologies dataJAR employs to fully manage 100+ Jamf Pro instances as a distributed team whilst maintaining a high standard throughout.

During the talk we released a few GitHub repos with items that we use day-to-day to help our fellow admins. These will be covered in further detail over the few weeks.

A link to the talks video can be found below, alongside the talks main GitHub repo.

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Because Jamf Nation


Jamf Nation is a community that is very dear to my heart, & over the past decade it’s grown from a small mailing list to over 100k accounts registered on Jamf Nation.

During JNUC2019’s day one keynote, 10 years of Jamf Nation was celebrated & Jamf Nations Hall Of Fame was announced.

I was inducted into the Hall Of Fame, alongside some fellow admins. Below is some history on why Jamf Nation holds a special place for me.

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An Evening with the Mule


As mentioned in my last post, the good folks over at the MacAdmins.org Podcast allowed me on to prattle on about things including AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI.

This was actually some weeks ago, but things have been busy. Apologies for the delay but the details can be found below.

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Farewell AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI


It has been 5 years since AutoCasperNBI was released, with AutoImagrNBI coming soon afterwards.

However, 5 years is a long time in the world of Apple. And as such, much has changed when it comes to deploying macOS.

NetBoot & Imaging are no longer viable methods for modern macOS deployment, especially when we look at booting off of a network volume to block copy an OS.

As such, today I am ceasing development on both projects & setting their respective GitHub repos as read-only.

In a future episode of the Mac Admins Podcast I go into more detail about the history of how these apps came to be, & I’ll be at JNUC2019 next week raising a glass to both apps.