Jamf Switcher – 1.3.1


Yesterday, we released Jamf Switcher, bringing the app to 1.3.1.

This release is needed if you’re running Jamf Pro 10.33+.  Due to the Self Service Bookmark XML in Jamf 10.33.0 changing the element  <attribute name="jssdescription" type="string">JSS</attribute> to: <attribute name="serverdescription" type="string">JSS</attribute>.

Without this change, no data is shown.

Jamf Switcher will now check for either XML element, meaning this release will work for 10.33+ and prior.

Jamf Switcher – 1.3


We’ve just released a little update to Jamf Switcher, bringing the app to 1.3.

This release is needed if you’re running Jamf Pro 10.30+. As the location and the format of Self Service bookmarks changed with this release from being XML files located within “/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Self Service/Managed Plug-ins/” to a single file located at: “~/Library/Application Support/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice.mac/CocoaAppCD.storedata”

Jamf Switcher will automatically switch over to this new file when present.



During lockdown we’ve been busy at dataJAR.

Not only was our website given a complete overhaul, but we also released Notifier.

Notifier is a Swift app which can post macOS alert or banner notifications on 10.10+ clients, & is what’s posted the notifications in the gif at the top of this post.

This project was originally intended for use with jamJAR, & jamJAR will soon have it’s wiki updated detailing the usage with Notifier.

jamJAR – 1.5

EDIT: 1.5.1 released, removing the option to not post notifications for items with a category due to the category not always being written to the ManagedInstallReport.plist when installed. A PR to Munki will be needed to resolve, then this can be re-added.

Tonight brings an update to jamJAR. This update adds an option to not post notifications for items with a category & also adds support for the forthcoming dataJAR Notifier.app (to post banner & alert notifications as needed).

This is the last Python 2 release of jamJAR, the next release will utilise Munki’s shipping Python 3 & will also officially support Apple updates via Munki & the new workflows introduced Munki 5.

Jamf Switcher – 1.1


We’ve just released a little update to Jamf Switcher, bringing the app to 1.1

This update strips /?failover from a JPS URL when writing to the com.jamfsoftware.jss.plist for the Jamf Applications, but keeps /?failover when opening Safari.

1.1 is available now, & Jamf Switcher should prompt for the update when launched or can be installed via the “Check for updates” menu from within Jamf Switcher itself or manually downloaded from here.

Farewell AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI


It has been 5 years since AutoCasperNBI was released, with AutoImagrNBI coming soon afterwards.

However, 5 years is a long time in the world of Apple. And as such, much has changed when it comes to deploying macOS.

NetBoot & Imaging are no longer viable methods for modern macOS deployment, especially when we look at booting off of a network volume to block copy an OS.

As such, today I am ceasing development on both projects & setting their respective GitHub repos as read-only.

In a future episode of the Mac Admins Podcast I go into more detail about the history of how these apps came to be, & I’ll be at JNUC2019 next week raising a glass to both apps.

AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI 1.5.2


I have just updated both AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI to version 1.5.2.

The apps are now notarized, as per the forthcoming changes mentioned here.

Also, both projects Xcode settings have been updated & Sparkle bumped to the latest release 1.21.3 too.

AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI 1.5.1


Tonight brings a small update to both AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI, which is support for setting a custom Desktop image on Mojave.

Oh, & I correctly signed AutoCasperNBI this release (I hope).

AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI 1.5.0 – the final major updates


Today I have released my seemingly annual pre-JNUC post-new macOS updates to both AutoCasperNBI & AutoImagrNBI, these are likely to be the last major updates to the apps & quite possibly the last updates to the apps ever.

Below is why I have updated the apps, & why this is likely to be their last update.

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Google Chrome 50 OS Requirement Changes


Earlier today, Google Chrome 50 was released. With this release, there are some changes to the platforms that Google Chrome is supported on.

Below is some detail on this, & how it could affect you.

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