Analysing JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages


Within a few posts here & during our JNUC 2019 talk, James & I detailed how we at dataJAR deal with managing 100+ Jamf Pro & released a few repos with various items we use day-to-day.

This blog post is concerned with one of those repos, which is titled: JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages.

The repo can be accessed via the hyperlink above.

This repo contains a list of messages which can appear in the JAMFSoftwareServer.log, with a note as to what action might be required due to the messages being generated.

For more details see below, else click the link & PR’s are welcomed to expand the repo.

Proactive Monitoring

At dataJAR, we ship our JAMFSoftwareServer.log’s to Papertrail & based on the content we either drop the messages or ship to Datadog.

Which depending on the monitors threshold in Datadog, may trigger an alert which then logs a call on our Zendesk.

The moving parts to achieve this for yourselves are very much out of scope, & really dependent on your environment.

This is just mentioned here as an example of the type of proactive monitoring workflows that could be employed.

However for many Jamf admins reading this I’m sure just searching the JAMFSoftwareServer.log & checking entries agains those in the JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages repo is sufficient.


The JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages repo has been populated with items we’ve discovered or via tickets logged with Jamf Support.

However, we are not Jamf Support & so issues have been disabled on the JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages repo.

If you feel that you might be affected by an issue which is listed within the JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages repo, check any actions but it will always be advised to reach out to Jamf Support before proceeding.

Also, Pull Requests are very much welcome to amend & extend the list within the JAMFSoftwareServer.log Messages repo.

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