dataJAR Tech Series: What’s new with macOS Big Sur and Apple Silicon?


Last month, I presented at a dataJAR tech series event where I discussed some of the new management features available in macOS Big Sur and how these can affect Mac administration workflows, as well as changes that might trip you up in regards to managing Apple silicon.

The video for the talk and a PDF of the slides, can be found here.

You’ll also find a talk there from Riley Bruce, Security Community Evangelist Manager, Code42 titled “Understanding Insider Risk Management on macOS”

Blocking macOS Big Sur


As forewarned in my prior post, here’s a post detailing methods to block tof macOS Big Sur.

In truth, the majority of this post will be rehashing items mentioned in previous post titled: Blocking macOS Catalina with Jamf Pro.

But there are a couple of amendments, with most not being Jamf Pro specific.

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