MacDevOpsYVR 2021: Digging for download URLs for AutoPkg recipes


Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting at my first MacDevOpsYVR.

A link to the video, slide deck, GitHub repo and links to the other videos etc from MacDevOpsYVR can be found below.

Many thanks to the MacDevOpsYVR team for the great event, and yes 125 slides in 15 minutes 🙂

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Mac, Dev and Ops: The calm before the storm


Tomorrow I’ll be presenting at my first MacDevOpsYVR.

Mat and JD invited myself and fellow London Apple Admin attendee, host, speaker and MacDevOpsYVR 2021 presenter Piero, onto the MacDevOpsYVR Podcast for a chin wag.

The podcast can be found here, if you want to listen to the other folks chatting and me prattling on.

At the time of writing, tickets are still available for MacDevOpsYVR 2021 and can be purchased from here.

The schedule can be found here, and starts today June 9th.

See you there!