UPDATE: The below has been superseded by the post found here. I'd also advise looking at authbuddy instead of the below
The below will untick the option System Preferences > Security > “Require Password To Unlock Each Secure Preference” & allow all users to unlock these preferences.
These preferences are:
- Energy Saver
- Network
- Sharing
- Date & Time
- Startup Disk
- Time Machine
Nice, can’t seem to get it working through JAMF though… Login hook? or just once?
Once per Mac.
It’s working form me through the JSS & ARD.
Hey mate I can’t seem to get this working in Lion? I ran it but I can’t seem to get my user to have access to Time Machine or any other preference
Have any advice?
I’ll be looking & 10.7 in the coming weeks.. So will update it then!
sorry it’s taken so long for me to post, but: https://macmule.com/2012/05/13/unlocking-preference-panes-for-non-admin-users-on-10-6-10-7/
Were you able to make any progress for Lion?
yep.. finally posted it: https://macmule.com/2012/05/13/unlocking-preference-panes-for-non-admin-users-on-10-6-10-7/
czudxgzt ocyfiker
how to use this script through ARD ?
Copy and paste into an Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) “Send Unix Command” window and send as root