In our environment, our JSS looks after macs across Europe. Meaning we need to provide Creative Suite in various flavours & languages. Adobe does supply media that contains a lot of European languages, but it can prove tricky to find.
Here’s how I got the media:
- Launch Safari.
- Turn off the inbuilt pop-up blocker if on, by clicking “Safari” > then clicking “Block Pop Up Windows” if it’s ticked
- Go to http://adobe.com/
- Click “Downloads”
- Click “Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection 5”
- Click “Download Now”
- Login with your Adobe ID or create one.
- You should get a window like the below:
- Click where it says “File 1 of 1”
- Open the Safari downloads window, by clicking “Window” > “Downloads”. You should now have an entry for a download called MasterCollection_CS5_LS1.dmg:
- Right click the MasterCollection_CS5_LS1.dmg, & choose copy address:
- Open another Safari window & paste the address you just copied into the address bar. It should look something like this:
- Change the end of the URL to LS4.dmg, hit return.
- Go back to Safari’s download window, you should now see two entries. The second one ending LS4, should be considerably bigger.
- This larger download is the Master Collection in various languages, install as normal with your correct license(s)