How To Download Multi Language Adobe Creative Suite 5 Media


In our environment, our JSS looks after macs across Europe. Meaning we need to provide Creative Suite in various flavours & languages. Adobe does supply media that contains a lot of European languages, but it can prove tricky to find.

Here’s how I got the media:

  1. Launch Safari.
  2. Turn off the inbuilt pop-up blocker if on, by clicking “Safari” > then clicking “Block Pop Up Windows” if it’s ticked
  3. Go to
  4. Click “Downloads”
  5. Click “Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection 5”
  6. Click “Download Now”
  7. Login with your Adobe ID or create one.
  8. You should get a window like the below:
  9. Click where it says “File 1 of 1”
  10. Open the Safari downloads window, by clicking “Window” > “Downloads”. You should now have an entry for a download called MasterCollection_CS5_LS1.dmg:
  11. Right click the MasterCollection_CS5_LS1.dmg, & choose copy address:
  12. Open another Safari window & paste the address you just copied into the address bar. It should look something like this: 
  13. Change the end of the URL to LS4.dmg, hit return.
  14. Go back to Safari’s download window, you should now see two entries. The second one ending LS4, should be considerably bigger. 
  15. This larger download is the Master Collection in various languages, install as normal with your correct license(s)

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