My Casper Imaging Workflow


For a number of years I have used the same Imaging workflow, during which time I thought the process was fairly common (with FSTAB being an exception).

However, after speaking to a few fellow Casper Admins it has become clear that my workflow isn’t as common as I thought. So the post below outlines what we do.

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How To Create An Never Booted OS.dmg Using Casper Admin

UPDATE: AutoDMG makes this process, "stupid easy" so I'm going to move away from the below to using that tool. Also, if you're master distribution point is a JDS you cannot compile configurations. Again AutoDMG to the rescue.

Ever since Casper Admin has allowed for compiling configurations way back in the 10.5/6 days I have been successfully creating an OS.dmg via Casper Admin. I still use this method today & since 10.7 this DMG also includes the Restore Partition.

The end result is an DMG of the OS that has never been booted & is an asr image. Much like DMG’s created by InstaDMG & AutoDMG.

I’m not sure why I seem to be the only one doing this, but below is the how;

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Error: “This account does not have privileges to use Casper Admin/Remote”


I started getting the above error when launching Casper Admin & Remote on my main mac.

This error would appear when launching Casper Admin & Remote, before i could enter any credentials. Which got me thinking: keychain!!

Yep sure enough, I had a saved password in my keychain.. once i deleted that all was well.

Installing Adobe Unit Types 2.1.0


This post advises why you may need to update the Adobe Unit Types.osax file & how to do so using Casper.

The Adobe Unit Types.osax file that shipped with Photoshop CS4 and CS3 is a 32-bit component. Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) requires some 64-bit scripting environments.

This file is placed in /Library/ScriptingAdditions/ & can cause Applescripts to fail to run.

Both Adobe & JAMF have posted help docs on how to fix this & this post is to advise how I’ve deployed to corrected osax file to affected machines.

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