This post is for my talk: UI & UX for the scripter. It contains various links to things I discussed & (when available), I will update with the sessions video.
OSX Human Interface Guidelines
OSX Human Interface Guidelines, there’s a lot of good stuff in there. But the sections discussed are as in the following:
osascript, this is also available within it’s man page.
AppleScript UI elements
Below is each of the AppleScript UI elements shown, with links to their documentation. These are mostly from this reference.
Display Dialog
Documentation available here.
Display Alert
Documentation available here.
Answer & Hidden Answer
These are both using display dialog, with documentation available here.
Choose From List
Documentation available here.
Choose URL
Documentation available here.
Choose Folder
Documentation available here.
Choose File
Documentation available here.
Display Notification
Documentation available here.
Progress Reporting
Documentation available here.
Other Links
yo A swift app for notifications.
CocoaDialog Link to the main project. If but advised to use that for documentation & the below for running on 10.9+
Loceee’s fork of CocaDialog
Pashua GUI app for creating custom UI
If you’re a JAMF customer, then JAMFHelper can also be employed. Below command is how to get the documentation for JAMFHelper.
/Library/Application\ Support/JAMF/bin/ -help
Below are some examples I showed with links to those that exist here currently, with the rest coming:
- Drive & Printer
- Lync Launcher (to come)
- Open URL In A Specific Browser (to come)
- Set Screenshot Location
- Update Framework (to come)
Looking forward to the video!
Just in case people were looking for the video: