A recent post showed how to forcibly update a Macs time against a given NTP server, i’ve since been asked how to set the Macs NTP server.
This post will try & show you how.
1st way is via a script, I use single script which is an almagamation of 2 scripts that used to come with Casper Resource Kit & these can be found at the following: setTimeServers.sh & setTimeZone.sh.
I run the above as part of my post imaging script BEFORE the AD Bind.
2nd, to enforce the settings further I use the MCX shown below.
Display Name: Time Server
Application Domain: com.apple.MCX
Key Name: timeServer
Key Type: string
Key Value: yourntp.fqdn
This has the added benefit of greying out the Time Server setting under System Preferences > Date & Time, allowing users to change the Timezone themselves but still keep the Mac pointing to the NTP server you’ve set.
how or where do i create this mcx file?